The hardest thing about smoked chicken wings is getting the skin just right. It is really easy for it to tend up either rubbery or over cooked. After many attempts I got a method dial in just right that works for me. It gives the skin a nice crisp bite through.
- Put wings on a wire rack and pat both sides of them dry with paper towels (I used 8 half size paper towels)
- Put them uncovered and into the fridge overnight (12+ hours)
- Put wings in zip loc bags (I did about 20 wings per 1 gallon bag)
- Add 3 tbsp mayo per bag and mix around until evenly coated
- Add a dry rub to each bag
In this case I used (per bag):
- 1 tbsp coarse black pepper
- 1 tbsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tbsp sea salt
- 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika
- Again, shake bag around to get the wings evenly coated
- Put in smoker at 225ยฐ for 2 hours
- Up temp to 350ยฐ for 25 minutes
- Toss wings in sauce of choice
Put back in smoker for 10-15 minutes
- Sauce should thicken a little and stick to wings
- Eat!