My son and I put our Pokemon card collection up for sale on Craigslist. I took photos and kept updating the description as cards got sold. We were down to our last bit of cards that I had listed at $145. There is a website that is based back East somewhere that would buy them from me for $140 if I would ship them. On Saturday I was filling out the “sell” order and hesitated. I decided to give Craigslist 1 more day.
An hour later I got a text from a guy interested in buying them. He wanted to meet later that night and we agreed on $110 (this was after a little back & forth and me asking $115). I didn’t want to hassle with shipping them securely so I was fine with that. He was VERY excited.
Something came up and he couldn’t meet and asked if I would hold them till Monday. I said that was fine. He was very appreciative and said that I made his day.
Monday comes around and we agree to meet Monday evening.
At 6pm I get a text that he just got home and something was wrong with his dog. Wanted to see if I would wait 1 more day. Again, I agreed and he was again very appreciative and he offered to pay the $115 I asked earlier for my trouble.
He got his dog to the vet and things under control and texted that he could meet after all that evening (Monday).
After meeting, he is very happy with the condition of the cards and gives me $120. We part ways and I later get a text that some cards are missing. It turns out he was looking at the photos of the original collection, not my updating description.
I offer to send him $10 back with PayPal for the misunderstanding even though the cards he got retail for over $200. He was totally fine though and didn’t want any money back. He was very appreciative for my honesty and integrity. At one point saying he wished there were more people like me.
At this point I thought I should send something about God but didn’t want to be pushy or anything. I was hesitant but sent something.
Below are 2 screenshots of the rest of the text conversation that followed.

I’m thankful that I hesitated online and that God can use me selling Pokemon cards on Craigslist to reach someone.
I’m not writing this to toot my own horn. I hope this will encourage you to think about how you treat people and how people can see Jesus through how you act.
In the small group I was leading at youth group last week I was just talking to the kids about how our actions can tell people about Jesus. This interaction is testament to just that.