Donald's Bacon Bytes

bytes of information as tasty as bacon

Mini Bacon Fatty

Topic: Cooking | Tags: ,


Mini Bacon Fatty

If you like bacon, you have probably heard of the bacon fatty. Sometimes call the bacon explosion, bacon bomb or other such names. It is basically a bacon weave wrapped around sausage which is stuffed with something in the middle and then bbq’d or smoked.

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Bacon S’mores

Topic: Cooking | Tags:


We had some friends over for dinner last Saturday and decided to make s’mores out back for dessert. After making a few I started thinking “I wonder how this would taste with bacon?” Not if it would be good, but how good it would be. I mentioned it to my friend sitting next to me and he got excited about the idea. So, I ran into the house with my marshmallow stick, grabbed a piece of bacon, weaved it onto the stick and went back outside to cook it over the fire. If you are going to do this, you gotta cook the bacon over the fire also!


Bacon S'mores

Bacon S’mores

Bacon Roses

Topic: Cooking | Tags:



This year I decided to do something different for Valentine’s Day. My wife loves bacon. Maybe not as much as I love bacon but it is pretty high up there. So, I decided to make her some bacon roses instead of some real roses that would die soon. How do you make bacon roses you might ask. It was actually pretty easy.

I started out by getting some fake roses from Walmart. They had 2 different types of fake roses. One type didn’t look like they came apart very easy so I opted for the ones that did. If you look closely at the photo of the one still assembled, you can see that the rose bud should just pop off. The other roses didn’t look like this.

To start out making these, turn your oven on and preheat it to 375. While it is preheating, get a mini muffin pan out and line each hole with tin foil. You don’t have to do this but it helped with cleanup when I was done.

Next, lay a piece of bacon out on a place and roll it up starting at the wider end of the bacon. Place it in the muffin pan fat side down.

After you get them all rolled up and in your muffin pan, put the pan in the oven and let it back for about 40 minutes.

After they are done, let them cool a while. Get a vase out and fill it with rocks or marbles or something along those lines. The bacon is going to be a little heavy and it will tip the vase over.

Now, make sure you have all your fake roses disassembled and the pieces sorted out. Discard the rose petals and the orange plastic pieces. Slide the leave piece back onto the stem and push it down a little. Then place a bacon rose on it and put the whole thing into the vase.

As you see from my photo, the bacon is heavy and pulls things down a little. If I had more time and would have thought about it earlier, I would have used some wire cutters and shortened the stems. I also would have used the red ribbon that came with the fake roses and tied the stems together at the top to get them bunched up better.

Pretty simple over all and they tasted good!



Bacon weave pork tenderloin

Topic: Cooking | Tags: ,


The bacon blanket (bacon weave)

There are a bunch of posts and images out there of what is called the bacon explosion, pork fatty or bacon bomb and they look soooo good. They are basically a bacon weave with sausage and then smoked for a while. As good as it sounds, I figured I should try to tame it down a little. I eat a lot of fat and protein in my diet but that just seems like a little too much for me.

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Bacon Pumpkin Pie

Topic: Cooking | Tags:


WTF? Really? Yes, this is real. Bacon pumpkin pie is legit! I’m not obsessed with bacon, really!!

So, I didn’t get too crazy with this and it was rather simple. In the future, I might go for a little more of an elaborate pie. This time around though, I was looking to just get the concept down and see how it works. I ended up making 2 medium sized pies and 3 mini pies out of this batch …

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